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This component within ITIM is intended to enable the management of services deployed throughout your IT infrastructure. A service is defined as anything that is deployed that end users would access via a client application. The design of our services is intended to work with either ansible collections or roles. Either way as long as the resulting ansible tasks look for the variables under a single key for the service; any method you choose to deploy a service is up to you.


Within the services the following fields are available:

  • is_template Defines the service as a template

  • template name if the template that this service inherits from

  • name name of the service

  • device Device service deployed to

  • cluster Cluster the service is deployed to

  • config Ansible configuration variables

  • config_key_variable Ansible dictionary key name for config

  • port Ports assosiated with the service

  • dependent_service A List of services this service depends upon

Deployed to

A service can be deployed to a Cluster or a Device. When assosiated with an item, within it's details page the services deployed to it are available.


A service can be setup as a template is_template=True for which then can be used as the base template for further service creations. Both config and Ports are inherited from the template with any conflict taking the current services values.

A service assigned to a cluster will have it's config rendered as part of the cluster configuration.


This page forms part of our Project Centurion ERP.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2024-07-21
Date Edited: 2024-08-19


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