This component as part of ITIM is for the management of a cluster.
Assign Devices as a cluster node
Assign a Device to be deployed upon a cluster
Assign configuration for a cluster
Within the services the following fields are available:
Parent Cluster Cluster that this cluster is deployed upon
Cluster Type Type of cluster
Name name of the cluster
Organization organization this cluster belongs to
Nodes Cluster Nodes
Devices Devices deployed upon the cluster
Services Services deployed upon the cluster
Config Cluster Configuration
We have designed the cluster management feature to track all that is required to configure, deploy and manage. This allows for a cluster to be deployed to a cluster and to have a cluster span multiple sites and/or locations. i.e. like would be the case having nodes from multiple providers.
A Cluster Node is a physical or virtual device that the cluster is deployed upon/across. The resources of a node are for the clusters consumption.
A Cluster Device is deployed onto the cluster and consumes it resources. This is generally a virtual machine or containerised application.
A Cluster service is a service deployed to a cluster. See #125 for it's implementation details.
Cluster configuration is configuration that is used by Ansible to setup/deploy the cluster. The configuration is presented by Centurion ERP within a format that is designed for our collection.
Configuration if applied within the cluster type is used as the base and if also defined within the cluster will take precedence. This allows the cluster type configuration to be used as a base template for clusters of the same type.
A Services config is also rendered as part of the clusters configuration.
This page forms part of our Project Centurion ERP.
Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit hereDate Created: 2024-08-18
Date Edited: 2025-01-23
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