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This page details the configuration for setting up the application.

Config file

Configuration for this application is stored within a python file .py in directory /etc/istm/. Any python file placed within this directory will be dynamically loaded at runtime. It's important to ensure that the file remains a valid python file. Failing to do so will prevent the application from restarting.

Single Sign-On

  • SSO_ENABLED, boolean

Single Sign on (SSO) is made possible through the social django application. Specific configuration for the backend that you would like to configure can be viewed within it's documentation. In most cases the only configuration that will need to be defined are for the following attributes: SSO_ENABLED, optionally SSO_BACKENDS and those with prefix SOCIAL_AUTH_.


Within the social django documentation, it will state the the configuration key for the backends is within attribute AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS, don't use this attribute. Instead use attribute SSO_BACKENDS so as not to effect the authentication of the ITSM application.

Example SSO Configuration

Attributes with prefix SSO_ are specifically for this application.

SSO_ENABLED = True             # Optional, boolean. Enable SSO Authentication

SSO_LOGIN_ONLY_BACKEND = 'oidc'    # Optional, string. To only use SSO authentication, specify the backend name here

SSO_BACKENDS = (               # this attribute replaces `AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS` and must be used instead of.

# Example configuration for the openid connect backend
SOCIAL_AUTH_OIDC_OIDC_ENDPOINT = 'https://<domain name>/realms/<realm name>'
SOCIAL_AUTH_OIDC_KEY = '<client key>'
SOCIAL_AUTH_OIDC_SECRET = '<client secret>'
# SOCIAL_AUTH_OIDC_IGNORE_DEFAULT_SCOPE = True # default scopes: “openid”, “profile” and “email”

Available Configuration Settings

Below are the available configuration values along with their default value.

ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ '*' ]          # Site host to serve
DEBUG = False                    # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
SITE_URL = ''    # domain with HTTP method for the sites URL
SECRET_KEY = None                # You need to generate this
SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 1209600     # Age the session cookie should live for in seconds. 
SSO_ENABLED = False              # Enable SSO
SSO_LOGIN_ONLY_BACKEND = None    # Use specified SSO backend as the ONLY method to login. (builting login form will not be used)
TRUSTED_ORIGINS = []             # list of trusted domains for CSRF


This page forms part of our Project Centurion ERP.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2024-06-07
Date Edited: 2024-07-09


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