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Knowledge Base

A Knowledge Base forms part of the ITSM, specifically Information Management. Information Management is intended to capture all available data within an organization, not just the IT department. This information is then categorised and presented to the users that require it.


Article content is intended to be written in markdown, which provides for a richer user experience. To create an article the following fields are are available:

  • Title Article title

  • Summary Short summary of the article

  • Content article content

  • Category article category

  • Release Date date to publish the article


    If no release date is set, the article will be published immediately.

  • Expiry Date date the article expires


    Not specifying an expiry date means that the article will remain published indefinitely.

  • Target Team(s) team(s) to make the article available for

  • Target User user to target the article for

  • Responsible User the user who is considered the owner

  • Responsible Team(s) the team or teams who is considered the owner

  • Public if the article is to be made available to public user (users who are not logged in) See #144


An article must either have a target user or target group. Not both.


An article can have a responsible user or responsible team(s). Not both.


Notes can be added to an article that is intended to be article owner notes. these notes are not made available as part of the article.


Categories are available to offer an ability to filter/sort articles. Fields available as part of Knowledge Base Categories are:

  • Name Category Name

  • Parent Parent Category for nesting categories

  • Target Team Team the categories articles should be made available for

  • Target User User the categories articles should be made available for


A KB Category must either have a target user or target group. Not both.


This page forms part of our Project Centurion ERP.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2024-07-19
Date Edited: 2024-07-20


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ToDo: Add the page list of contributors