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Fields are used by the serializers for the data. We have our fields specified in module core.fields. These fields are rest_framework fields.

Char Field

This field extends rest_framework.serializers.CharField with additional attributes that are used by the UI. The additional attributes are:

  • autolink, Boolean The interface will render the field as an anchor using the url at path _urls._self of the objects data.

  • multiline, Boolean. The field should be rendered as a textarea input field.

if attribute multiline is not specified, by default the field is rendered as an input text field.

Markdown Field

This field extends core.fields.CharField. The field metadata sets the field type to Markdown, which tells the UI to render the field as markdown. The additional attributes are:

  • multiline, Boolean. The field should be rendered as a textarea input field.

  • style_class String This field is a space seperated value (ssv) of CSS classes to use for the field. The UI will use this value as additional CSS classes to append to the field.


This page forms part of our Project Centurion ERP.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2024-11-13
Date Edited: 2024-11-13


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