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Model Permissions View (Organization Manager) Test Cases

Tests for checking Organization Manager model permissions


app_namespace: str = None

Application namespace of the model being tested

different_organization_is_manager: object

User whom is organization Manager of different organization than object

url_name_view: str

url name of the model view to be tested

url_view_kwargs: dict = None

View URL kwargs for model being tested

user_is_organization_manager: object

User whom is organization Manager of the object



Check correct permission for view

Attempt to view with user from different organization whom is an organization Manager.


Confirm that an organization manager can view the model

Attempt to view as user who is an organization manager and has no permissions assigned. Object to be within same organization the user is a manager of.


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Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2024-06-17
Date Edited: 2024-07-09


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