This section contains the application API documentation for Serializers to assist in application development. The target audience is anyone whom would be developing the application.
All Serializers are Class based.
All models must be serialized.
Serializer files must contain the following defined serializers:
<Model name>BaseSerializer
<Model name>ModelSerializer
inheriting<Model name>BaseSerializer
<Model name>ViewSerializer
inheriting<Model name>ModelSerializer
Serializers are defined within the
sub-directory within the app the model is defined. -
Serializer file names are lower case and named the same as the model / related field.
fields that are required to have an initial value have it specified
self.fields.fields[<field name>].initial
Base Serializer
This serializer is read-only and used as the serializer for related items within the model that has this model as related. Must contain the following fields:
The models primary key -
value of model function__str__()
Name/title of the model -
URL to the models page
Model Serializer
This serializer is write-only and is used for adding and updating a model. This serializer must include all fields the model has. Validation as required is to be done as part of this serializer.
View Serializer
This serializer is read-only and is used for the viewing of a model within list and detail views. This serializer must define the following fields:
A dictionary of all child models urls -
Each related field redefined as it's base serializer. i.e.
organization = OrganizationBaseSerializer(many=False, read_only=True)
Example Serializer
Below is an truncated example serializer.
from rest_framework.reverse import reverse
from rest_framework import serializers
from itam.models.device import Device
class DeviceBaseSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
display_name = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_display_name')
def get_display_name(self, item):
return str( item )
url = serializers.HyperlinkedIdentityField(
view_name="API:_api_v2_device-detail", format="html"
class Meta:
model = Device
fields = [
read_only_fields = [
class DeviceModelSerializer(DeviceBaseSerializer):
_urls = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_url')
def get_url(self, item):
return {
'_self': reverse("API:_api_v2_device-detail", request=self._context['view'].request, kwargs={'pk':}),
'software': reverse("API:_api_v2_device_software-list", request=self._context['view'].request, kwargs={'device_id':}),
class Meta:
model = Device
fields = [
read_only_fields = [
class DeviceViewSerializer(DeviceModelSerializer):
device_model = DeviceModelBaseSerializer(many=False, read_only=True)
device_type = DeviceTypeBaseSerializer(many=False, read_only=True)
organization = OrganizationBaseSerializer(many=False, read_only=True)
This page forms part of our Project Centurion ERP.
Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit hereDate Created: 2024-06-19
Date Edited: 2024-10-14
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