Ticket Object
This page contains the Ticket API Documentation.
Ticket Status
Ticket Status
Status of the ticket. By design, not all statuses are available for ALL ticket types.
Request / Incident ticket
- Draft
- New
- Assigned
- Assigned (Planned)
- Pending
- Solved
- Closed
Problem Ticket
- Draft
- New
- Accepted
- Assigned
- Assigned (Planned)
- Pending
- Solved
- Under Observation
- Closed
Change Ticket
- Draft
- New
- Evaluation
- Approvals
- Accepted
- Pending
- Testing
- Qualification
- Applied
- Review
- Closed
- Cancelled
- Refused
Ticket External System
Bases: IntegerChoices
GITHUB = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._GITHUB_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._GITHUB_VALUE)
GITLAB = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._GITLAB_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._GITLAB_VALUE)
CUSTOM_1 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_1_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_1_VALUE)
CUSTOM_2 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_2_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_2_VALUE)
CUSTOM_3 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_3_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_3_VALUE)
CUSTOM_4 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_4_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_4_VALUE)
CUSTOM_5 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_5_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_5_VALUE)
CUSTOM_6 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_6_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_6_VALUE)
CUSTOM_7 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_7_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_7_VALUE)
CUSTOM_8 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_8_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_8_VALUE)
CUSTOM_9 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_9_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_9_VALUE)
Ticket Type
Bases: IntegerChoices
Centurion ERP has the following ticket types available:
As we use a common model for ALL ticket types. Effort has been made to limit fields showing for a ticket type that it does not belong. If you find a field displayed that does not belong to a ticket, please create an issue.
The API does not filter ticket fields. It's important not to edit a field that does not belong to the ticket type selected, as this will cause the ticket validation to fail.
REQUEST = ('1', 'Request')
INCIDENT = ('2', 'Incident')
CHANGE = ('3', 'Change')
PROBLEM = ('4', 'Problem')
ISSUE = ('5', 'Issue')
MERGE_REQUEST = ('6', 'Merge Request')
PROJECT_TASK = ('7', 'Project Task')
Ticket Urgency
Bases: IntegerChoices
VERY_LOW = ('1', 'Very Low')
LOW = ('2', 'Low')
MEDIUM = ('3', 'Medium')
HIGH = ('4', 'High')
VERY_HIGH = ('5', 'Very High')
Ticket Impact
Bases: IntegerChoices
VERY_LOW = ('1', 'Very Low')
LOW = ('2', 'Low')
MEDIUM = ('3', 'Medium')
HIGH = ('4', 'High')
VERY_HIGH = ('5', 'Very High')
Ticket Priority
Bases: IntegerChoices
VERY_LOW = (TicketValues.Priority._VERY_LOW_INT, TicketValues.Priority._VERY_LOW_VALUE)
LOW = (TicketValues.Priority._LOW_INT, TicketValues.Priority._LOW_VALUE)
MEDIUM = (TicketValues.Priority._MEDIUM_INT, TicketValues.Priority._MEDIUM_VALUE)
HIGH = (TicketValues.Priority._HIGH_INT, TicketValues.Priority._HIGH_VALUE)
VERY_HIGH = (TicketValues.Priority._VERY_HIGH_INT, TicketValues.Priority._VERY_HIGH_VALUE)
MAJOR = (TicketValues.Priority._MAJOR_INT, TicketValues.Priority._MAJOR_VALUE)
Ticket Object Model Abstract class
Bases: SlashCommands
, TenancyObject
, TicketCommonFields
save_model_history: bool = False
model_notes = None
is_global = None
status = models.IntegerField(blank=False, choices=TicketStatus.All, default=TicketStatus.All.NEW, help_text='Status of ticket', verbose_name='Status')
parent_ticket = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, default=None, help_text='Parent of this ticket', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name='Parent Ticket')
category = models.ForeignKey(TicketCategory, blank=True, help_text='Category for this ticket', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name='Category')
title = models.CharField(blank=False, help_text='Title of the Ticket', max_length=100, unique=True, verbose_name='Title')
description = models.TextField(blank=False, help_text='Ticket Description', null=False, verbose_name='Description')
urgency = models.IntegerField(blank=True, choices=TicketUrgency, default=TicketUrgency.VERY_LOW, help_text='How urgent is this tickets resolution for the user?', null=True, verbose_name='Urgency')
impact = models.IntegerField(blank=True, choices=TicketImpact, default=TicketImpact.VERY_LOW, help_text='End user assessed impact', null=True, verbose_name='Impact')
priority = models.IntegerField(blank=True, choices=TicketPriority, default=TicketPriority.VERY_LOW, help_text='What priority should this ticket for its completion', null=True, verbose_name='Priority')
external_ref = models.IntegerField(blank=True, default=None, help_text='External System reference', null=True, verbose_name='Reference Number')
external_system = models.IntegerField(blank=True, choices=Ticket_ExternalSystem, default=None, help_text='External system this item derives', null=True, verbose_name='External System')
ticket_type = models.IntegerField(blank=False, choices=TicketType, help_text='The type of ticket this is', validators=[validation_ticket_type], verbose_name='Type')
project = models.ForeignKey(Project, blank=True, help_text='Assign to a project', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name='Project')
milestone = models.ForeignKey(ProjectMilestone, blank=True, help_text='Assign to a milestone', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name='Project Milestone')
opened_by = models.ForeignKey(User, blank=False, help_text='Who is the ticket for', null=False, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='opened_by', verbose_name='Opened By')
subscribed_users = models.ManyToManyField(User, blank=True, help_text='Subscribe a User(s) to the ticket to receive updates', related_name='subscribed_users', symmetrical=False, verbose_name='Subscribed User(s)')
subscribed_teams = models.ManyToManyField(Team, blank=True, help_text='Subscribe a Team(s) to the ticket to receive updates', related_name='subscribed_teams', symmetrical=False, verbose_name='Subscribed Team(s)')
assigned_users = models.ManyToManyField(User, blank=True, help_text='Assign the ticket to a User(s)', related_name='assigned_users', symmetrical=False, verbose_name='Assigned User(s)')
assigned_teams = models.ManyToManyField(Team, blank=True, help_text='Assign the ticket to a Team(s)', related_name='assigned_teams', symmetrical=False, verbose_name='Assigned Team(s)')
is_deleted = models.BooleanField(blank=False, default=False, help_text='Is the ticket deleted? And ready to be purged', null=False, verbose_name='Deleted')
date_closed = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, help_text='Date ticket closed', null=True, verbose_name='Closed Date')
planned_start_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, help_text='Planned start date.', null=True, verbose_name='Planned Start Date')
planned_finish_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, help_text='Planned finish date', null=True, verbose_name='Planned Finish Date')
estimate = models.IntegerField(blank=False, default=0, help_text='Time Eastimated to complete this ticket in seconds', null=False, verbose_name='Estimation')
real_start_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, help_text='Real start date', null=True, verbose_name='Real Start Date')
real_finish_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, help_text='Real finish date', null=True, verbose_name='Real Finish Date')
page_layout: list = []
table_fields: list = ['id', 'title', 'status_badge', 'priority_badge', 'impact_badge', 'urgency_badge', 'opened_by', 'organization', 'created']
common_fields: list(str()) = ['organization', 'title', 'description', 'opened_by', 'ticket_type', 'assigned_users', 'assigned_teams', 'estimate']
common_itsm_fields: list(str()) = common_fields + ['status', 'categoryurgency', 'project', 'milestone', 'priority', 'impact', 'subscribed_teams', 'subscribed_users']
fields_itsm_request: list(str()) = common_itsm_fields + []
fields_itsm_incident: list(str()) = common_itsm_fields + []
fields_itsm_problem: list(str()) = common_itsm_fields + []
fields_itsm_change: list(str()) = common_itsm_fields + []
common_git_fields: list(str()) = common_fields + []
fields_git_issue: list(str()) = common_fields + []
fields_git_merge_request: list(str()) = common_fields + []
fields_project_task: list(str()) = common_fields + ['category', 'milestone', 'status', 'urgency', 'priority', 'impact', 'subscribed_teams', 'subscribed_users', 'planned_start_date', 'planned_finish_date', 'real_start_date', 'real_finish_date']
tech_fields = ['category', 'project', 'milestone', 'assigned_users', 'assigned_teams', 'subscribed_teams', 'subscribed_users', 'status', 'urgency', 'impact', 'priority', 'planned_start_date', 'planned_finish_date']
duration_ticket: str
linked_items: list(dict())
Fetch items linked to ticket
Type | Description |
List of dict (list): List of dictionary with fields: id, name, type and url. |
Empty List (list): No items were found |
related_tickets: list(dict())
ordering = ['id']
permissions = [('add_ticket_request', 'Can add a request ticket'), ('change_ticket_request', 'Can change any request ticket'), ('delete_ticket_request', 'Can delete a request ticket'), ('import_ticket_request', 'Can import a request ticket'), ('purge_ticket_request', 'Can purge a request ticket'), ('triage_ticket_request', 'Can triage all request ticket'), ('view_ticket_request', 'Can view all request ticket'), ('add_ticket_incident', 'Can add a incident ticket'), ('change_ticket_incident', 'Can change any incident ticket'), ('delete_ticket_incident', 'Can delete a incident ticket'), ('import_ticket_incident', 'Can import a incident ticket'), ('purge_ticket_incident', 'Can purge a incident ticket'), ('triage_ticket_incident', 'Can triage all incident ticket'), ('view_ticket_incident', 'Can view all incident ticket'), ('add_ticket_problem', 'Can add a problem ticket'), ('change_ticket_problem', 'Can change any problem ticket'), ('delete_ticket_problem', 'Can delete a problem ticket'), ('import_ticket_problem', 'Can import a problem ticket'), ('purge_ticket_problem', 'Can purge a problem ticket'), ('triage_ticket_problem', 'Can triage all problem ticket'), ('view_ticket_problem', 'Can view all problem ticket'), ('add_ticket_change', 'Can add a change ticket'), ('change_ticket_change', 'Can change any change ticket'), ('delete_ticket_change', 'Can delete a change ticket'), ('import_ticket_change', 'Can import a change ticket'), ('purge_ticket_change', 'Can purge a change ticket'), ('triage_ticket_change', 'Can triage all change ticket'), ('view_ticket_change', 'Can view all change ticket'), ('add_ticket_project_task', 'Can add a project task'), ('change_ticket_project_task', 'Can change any project task'), ('delete_ticket_project_task', 'Can delete a project task'), ('import_ticket_project_task', 'Can import a project task'), ('purge_ticket_project_task', 'Can purge a project task'), ('triage_ticket_project_task', 'Can triage all project task'), ('view_ticket_project_task', 'Can view all project task')]
unique_together = ('external_system', 'external_ref')
verbose_name = 'Ticket'
verbose_name_plural = 'Tickets'
circular_dependency_check(ticket, parent, depth=0)
Confirm the parent ticket does not create circular dependencies
A recursive check from ticket
to depth
. If a dependency is found.
will be returned
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ticket |
The initial ticket to check against |
required |
parent |
The parent ticket to check, |
required |
depth |
How deep the recursive check should go. Defaults to 0. |
Name | Type | Description |
True |
No circular dependency found |
False |
Circular dependency was found |
save(force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None, update_fields=None)
Check if the ticket has any assigned user(s)/team(s)
Update Ticket status based off of assigned
- If the ticket has any assigned team(s)/user(s), update the status to assigned.
- If the ticket does not have any assigned team(s)/user(s), update the status to new.
This method only updates the status if the existing status is New or Assigned.
action_comment_ticket_users(sender, instance, action, reverse, model, pk_set, **kwargs)
Ticket *_users many2many field
- Create the action comment
- Update ticket status to New/Assigned
action_comment_ticket_teams(sender, instance, action, reverse, model, pk_set, **kwargs)
Ticket *_teams many2many field
- Create the action comment
- Update ticket status to New/Assigned
This page forms part of our Project Centurion ERP.
Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit hereDate Created: 2024-09-01
Date Edited: 2024-09-01
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