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Ticket Object

This page contains the Ticket API Documentation.

Ticket Status

Ticket Status

Status of the ticket. By design, not all statuses are available for ALL ticket types.

Request / Incident ticket

  • Draft
  • New
  • Assigned
  • Assigned (Planned)
  • Pending
  • Solved
  • Closed

Problem Ticket

  • Draft
  • New
  • Accepted
  • Assigned
  • Assigned (Planned)
  • Pending
  • Solved
  • Under Observation
  • Closed

Change Ticket

  • Draft
  • New
  • Evaluation
  • Approvals
  • Accepted
  • Pending
  • Testing
  • Qualification
  • Applied
  • Review
  • Closed
  • Cancelled
  • Refused

Ticket External System

Bases: IntegerChoices


GITHUB = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._GITHUB_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._GITHUB_VALUE)

GITLAB = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._GITLAB_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._GITLAB_VALUE)

CUSTOM_1 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_1_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_1_VALUE)

CUSTOM_2 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_2_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_2_VALUE)

CUSTOM_3 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_3_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_3_VALUE)

CUSTOM_4 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_4_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_4_VALUE)

CUSTOM_5 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_5_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_5_VALUE)

CUSTOM_6 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_6_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_6_VALUE)

CUSTOM_7 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_7_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_7_VALUE)

CUSTOM_8 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_8_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_8_VALUE)

CUSTOM_9 = (TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_9_INT, TicketValues.ExternalSystem._CUSTOM_9_VALUE)

Ticket Type

Bases: IntegerChoices

Centurion ERP has the following ticket types available:

  • Request

  • Incident

  • Change

  • Problem

As we use a common model for ALL ticket types. Effort has been made to limit fields showing for a ticket type that it does not belong. If you find a field displayed that does not belong to a ticket, please create an issue.


The API does not filter ticket fields. It's important not to edit a field that does not belong to the ticket type selected, as this will cause the ticket validation to fail.


REQUEST = ('1', 'Request')

INCIDENT = ('2', 'Incident')

CHANGE = ('3', 'Change')

PROBLEM = ('4', 'Problem')

ISSUE = ('5', 'Issue')

MERGE_REQUEST = ('6', 'Merge Request')

PROJECT_TASK = ('7', 'Project Task')

Ticket Urgency

Bases: IntegerChoices


VERY_LOW = ('1', 'Very Low')

LOW = ('2', 'Low')

MEDIUM = ('3', 'Medium')

HIGH = ('4', 'High')

VERY_HIGH = ('5', 'Very High')

Ticket Impact

Bases: IntegerChoices


VERY_LOW = ('1', 'Very Low')

LOW = ('2', 'Low')

MEDIUM = ('3', 'Medium')

HIGH = ('4', 'High')

VERY_HIGH = ('5', 'Very High')

Ticket Priority

Bases: IntegerChoices


VERY_LOW = (TicketValues.Priority._VERY_LOW_INT, TicketValues.Priority._VERY_LOW_VALUE)

LOW = (TicketValues.Priority._LOW_INT, TicketValues.Priority._LOW_VALUE)

MEDIUM = (TicketValues.Priority._MEDIUM_INT, TicketValues.Priority._MEDIUM_VALUE)

HIGH = (TicketValues.Priority._HIGH_INT, TicketValues.Priority._HIGH_VALUE)

VERY_HIGH = (TicketValues.Priority._VERY_HIGH_INT, TicketValues.Priority._VERY_HIGH_VALUE)

MAJOR = (TicketValues.Priority._MAJOR_INT, TicketValues.Priority._MAJOR_VALUE)

Ticket Object Model Abstract class

Bases: SlashCommands, TenancyObject, TicketCommonFields


save_model_history: bool = False

model_notes = None

is_global = None

status = models.IntegerField(blank=False, choices=TicketStatus.All, default=TicketStatus.All.NEW, help_text='Status of ticket', verbose_name='Status')

parent_ticket = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, default=None, help_text='Parent of this ticket', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name='Parent Ticket')

category = models.ForeignKey(TicketCategory, blank=True, help_text='Category for this ticket', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name='Category')

title = models.CharField(blank=False, help_text='Title of the Ticket', max_length=100, unique=True, verbose_name='Title')

description = models.TextField(blank=False, help_text='Ticket Description', null=False, verbose_name='Description')

urgency = models.IntegerField(blank=True, choices=TicketUrgency, default=TicketUrgency.VERY_LOW, help_text='How urgent is this tickets resolution for the user?', null=True, verbose_name='Urgency')

impact = models.IntegerField(blank=True, choices=TicketImpact, default=TicketImpact.VERY_LOW, help_text='End user assessed impact', null=True, verbose_name='Impact')

priority = models.IntegerField(blank=True, choices=TicketPriority, default=TicketPriority.VERY_LOW, help_text='What priority should this ticket for its completion', null=True, verbose_name='Priority')

external_ref = models.IntegerField(blank=True, default=None, help_text='External System reference', null=True, verbose_name='Reference Number')

external_system = models.IntegerField(blank=True, choices=Ticket_ExternalSystem, default=None, help_text='External system this item derives', null=True, verbose_name='External System')

ticket_type = models.IntegerField(blank=False, choices=TicketType, help_text='The type of ticket this is', validators=[validation_ticket_type], verbose_name='Type')

project = models.ForeignKey(Project, blank=True, help_text='Assign to a project', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name='Project')

milestone = models.ForeignKey(ProjectMilestone, blank=True, help_text='Assign to a milestone', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name='Project Milestone')

opened_by = models.ForeignKey(User, blank=False, help_text='Who is the ticket for', null=False, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='opened_by', verbose_name='Opened By')

subscribed_users = models.ManyToManyField(User, blank=True, help_text='Subscribe a User(s) to the ticket to receive updates', related_name='subscribed_users', symmetrical=False, verbose_name='Subscribed User(s)')

subscribed_teams = models.ManyToManyField(Team, blank=True, help_text='Subscribe a Team(s) to the ticket to receive updates', related_name='subscribed_teams', symmetrical=False, verbose_name='Subscribed Team(s)')

assigned_users = models.ManyToManyField(User, blank=True, help_text='Assign the ticket to a User(s)', related_name='assigned_users', symmetrical=False, verbose_name='Assigned User(s)')

assigned_teams = models.ManyToManyField(Team, blank=True, help_text='Assign the ticket to a Team(s)', related_name='assigned_teams', symmetrical=False, verbose_name='Assigned Team(s)')

is_deleted = models.BooleanField(blank=False, default=False, help_text='Is the ticket deleted? And ready to be purged', null=False, verbose_name='Deleted')

date_closed = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, help_text='Date ticket closed', null=True, verbose_name='Closed Date')

planned_start_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, help_text='Planned start date.', null=True, verbose_name='Planned Start Date')

planned_finish_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, help_text='Planned finish date', null=True, verbose_name='Planned Finish Date')

estimate = models.IntegerField(blank=False, default=0, help_text='Time Eastimated to complete this ticket in seconds', null=False, verbose_name='Estimation')

real_start_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, help_text='Real start date', null=True, verbose_name='Real Start Date')

real_finish_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, help_text='Real finish date', null=True, verbose_name='Real Finish Date')

page_layout: list = []

table_fields: list = ['id', 'title', 'status_badge', 'priority_badge', 'impact_badge', 'urgency_badge', 'opened_by', 'organization', 'created']

common_fields: list(str()) = ['organization', 'title', 'description', 'opened_by', 'ticket_type', 'assigned_users', 'assigned_teams', 'estimate']

common_itsm_fields: list(str()) = common_fields + ['status', 'categoryurgency', 'project', 'milestone', 'priority', 'impact', 'subscribed_teams', 'subscribed_users']

fields_itsm_request: list(str()) = common_itsm_fields + []

fields_itsm_incident: list(str()) = common_itsm_fields + []

fields_itsm_problem: list(str()) = common_itsm_fields + []

fields_itsm_change: list(str()) = common_itsm_fields + []

common_git_fields: list(str()) = common_fields + []

fields_git_issue: list(str()) = common_fields + []

fields_git_merge_request: list(str()) = common_fields + []

fields_project_task: list(str()) = common_fields + ['category', 'milestone', 'status', 'urgency', 'priority', 'impact', 'subscribed_teams', 'subscribed_users', 'planned_start_date', 'planned_finish_date', 'real_start_date', 'real_finish_date']

tech_fields = ['category', 'project', 'milestone', 'assigned_users', 'assigned_teams', 'subscribed_teams', 'subscribed_users', 'status', 'urgency', 'impact', 'priority', 'planned_start_date', 'planned_finish_date']


duration_ticket: str

linked_items: list(dict())

Fetch items linked to ticket


Type Description

List of dict (list): List of dictionary with fields: id, name, type and url.


Empty List (list): No items were found

related_tickets: list(dict())







ordering = ['id']
permissions = [('add_ticket_request', 'Can add a request ticket'), ('change_ticket_request', 'Can change any request ticket'), ('delete_ticket_request', 'Can delete a request ticket'), ('import_ticket_request', 'Can import a request ticket'), ('purge_ticket_request', 'Can purge a request ticket'), ('triage_ticket_request', 'Can triage all request ticket'), ('view_ticket_request', 'Can view all request ticket'), ('add_ticket_incident', 'Can add a incident ticket'), ('change_ticket_incident', 'Can change any incident ticket'), ('delete_ticket_incident', 'Can delete a incident ticket'), ('import_ticket_incident', 'Can import a incident ticket'), ('purge_ticket_incident', 'Can purge a incident ticket'), ('triage_ticket_incident', 'Can triage all incident ticket'), ('view_ticket_incident', 'Can view all incident ticket'), ('add_ticket_problem', 'Can add a problem ticket'), ('change_ticket_problem', 'Can change any problem ticket'), ('delete_ticket_problem', 'Can delete a problem ticket'), ('import_ticket_problem', 'Can import a problem ticket'), ('purge_ticket_problem', 'Can purge a problem ticket'), ('triage_ticket_problem', 'Can triage all problem ticket'), ('view_ticket_problem', 'Can view all problem ticket'), ('add_ticket_change', 'Can add a change ticket'), ('change_ticket_change', 'Can change any change ticket'), ('delete_ticket_change', 'Can delete a change ticket'), ('import_ticket_change', 'Can import a change ticket'), ('purge_ticket_change', 'Can purge a change ticket'), ('triage_ticket_change', 'Can triage all change ticket'), ('view_ticket_change', 'Can view all change ticket'), ('add_ticket_project_task', 'Can add a project task'), ('change_ticket_project_task', 'Can change any project task'), ('delete_ticket_project_task', 'Can delete a project task'), ('import_ticket_project_task', 'Can import a project task'), ('purge_ticket_project_task', 'Can purge a project task'), ('triage_ticket_project_task', 'Can triage all project task'), ('view_ticket_project_task', 'Can view all project task')]
unique_together = ('external_system', 'external_ref')
verbose_name = 'Ticket'
verbose_name_plural = 'Tickets'






circular_dependency_check(ticket, parent, depth=0)

Confirm the parent ticket does not create circular dependencies

A recursive check from ticket to depth. If a dependency is found. False will be returned


Name Type Description Default
ticket Ticket

The initial ticket to check against

parent Ticket

The parent ticket to check,

depth int

How deep the recursive check should go. Defaults to 0.



Name Type Description
True bool

No circular dependency found

False bool

Circular dependency was found

save(force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None, update_fields=None)


Check if the ticket has any assigned user(s)/team(s)


Update Ticket status based off of assigned

  • If the ticket has any assigned team(s)/user(s), update the status to assigned.
  • If the ticket does not have any assigned team(s)/user(s), update the status to new.

This method only updates the status if the existing status is New or Assigned.

action_comment_ticket_users(sender, instance, action, reverse, model, pk_set, **kwargs)

Ticket *_users many2many field

  • Create the action comment
  • Update ticket status to New/Assigned

action_comment_ticket_teams(sender, instance, action, reverse, model, pk_set, **kwargs)

Ticket *_teams many2many field

  • Create the action comment
  • Update ticket status to New/Assigned


This page forms part of our Project Centurion ERP.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2024-09-01
Date Edited: 2024-09-01


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