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The ticketing system within Centurion ERP is common to all ticket types. Available ticket types are as follows:

  • Change

  • Incident

  • Problem

  • Request

In addition the following items within Centurion ERP use the ticketing system:

  • Git Issue

  • Git Merge/Pull Request

  • Project Task

Ticket Fields

Fields available for all ticket types:

  • status

  • title

  • description

  • urgency

  • impact

  • priority

  • external_ref

  • external_system

  • ticket_type

  • project

  • opened_by

  • subscribed_users

  • subscribed_teams

  • assigned_users

  • assigned_teams

  • is_deleted

  • date_closed

  • planned_start_date

  • planned_finish_date

  • real_start_date

  • real_finish_date

Ticket Status

Ticket Status

Status of the ticket. By design, not all statuses are available for ALL ticket types.

Request / Incident ticket

  • Draft
  • New
  • Assigned
  • Assigned (Planned)
  • Pending
  • Solved
  • Closed

Problem Ticket

  • Draft
  • New
  • Accepted
  • Assigned
  • Assigned (Planned)
  • Pending
  • Solved
  • Under Observation
  • Closed

Change Ticket

  • Draft
  • New
  • Evaluation
  • Approvals
  • Accepted
  • Pending
  • Testing
  • Qualification
  • Applied
  • Review
  • Closed
  • Cancelled
  • Refused

Ticket Urgency

VERY_LOW = ('1', 'Very Low')

LOW = ('2', 'Low')

MEDIUM = ('3', 'Medium')

HIGH = ('4', 'High')

VERY_HIGH = ('5', 'Very High')

Ticket Impact

VERY_LOW = ('1', 'Very Low')

LOW = ('2', 'Low')

MEDIUM = ('3', 'Medium')

HIGH = ('4', 'High')

VERY_HIGH = ('5', 'Very High')

Ticket Priority

VERY_LOW = ('1', 'Very Low')

LOW = ('2', 'Low')

MEDIUM = ('3', 'Medium')

HIGH = ('4', 'High')

VERY_HIGH = ('5', 'Very High')

MAJOR = ('6', 'Major')

Ticket External System

GITHUB = ('1', 'Github')

GITLAB = ('2', 'Gitlab')

CUSTOM_1 = ('9999', 'Custom #1 (Imported)')

CUSTOM_2 = ('9998', 'Custom #2 (Imported)')

CUSTOM_3 = ('9997', 'Custom #3 (Imported)')

CUSTOM_4 = ('9996', 'Custom #4 (Imported)')

CUSTOM_5 = ('9995', 'Custom #5 (Imported)')

CUSTOM_6 = ('9994', 'Custom #6 (Imported)')

CUSTOM_7 = ('9993', 'Custom #7 (Imported)')

CUSTOM_8 = ('9992', 'Custom #8 (Imported)')

CUSTOM_9 = ('9991', 'Custom #9 (Imported)')


Centurion's Tickets have the following permissions:

  • add

  • change

  • comment

  • delete

  • import

  • purge

  • triage

  • view

Each permission above is constructed into a permission value of <permission>_ticket_<type>. For instance an add permission for a request ticket would be constructed as add_ticket_request.

Some fields within a ticket are permission based. This means that if a user is missing that permission, they will not be able to change the field in question. The user should not be presented any field they do not have permission to adjust. However if they do manage to change the field, they will be presented with a HTTP/403 error.

Permissions are exclusive. If a user has not been assigned a permission, they can not perform that action. for instance, if you were to grant a user the "triage" permission, they will not be able to "add" or "view" a ticket. This is by design.


A super-user has permissions to work on any ticket. This also includes any fields.


The add permissions is designated to allow users to create the ticket. This permission would typically be assigned so that a user could create a ticket A user with this permission can add/edit the following fields:

  • title

  • description

  • urgency



The comment permission is designated to allow users to comment on a ticket. THis permission would typically be assigned to a user so they can comment on a ticket.


The add permissions is designated to allow users to delete a ticket. This permission would typically be assigned so that a user could delete a ticket. A user with this permission can add/edit the following fields:

  • is_deleted


When a ticket is deleted, it still exists within the database. To completely remove a ticket from the database, the purge permission is required.


The import permissions is designated to allow users to import tickets. This permission would typically be assigned so that a user could import tickets from a different ticketing system into Centurion. A user with this permission can add/edit the following fields:

  • external_ref,
  • external_system
  • created
  • date_closed


The purge permissions is designated to allow users to remove tickets from the database to permanently delete them.


The triage permissions is designated to allow users to triage tickets. This permission would typically be assigned so that a user can work towards solving the ticket. A user with this permission can add/edit the following fields:

  • impact
  • priority
  • project
  • opened_by
  • subscribed_users
  • subscribed_teams
  • assigned_users
  • assigned_teams
  • planned_start_date
  • planned_finish_date
  • real_start_date
  • real_finish_date


The view permissions is designated to allow users to view ALL tickets. This is caveated in the fact that a user will always be able to see their own tickets. The permission would typically be assigned to those whom work with tickets.


This page forms part of our Project Centurion ERP.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2024-08-27
Date Edited: 2024-09-01


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